New Life Christian Centre Hamilton



We currently offer Superbook as our teaching resource for Children's Church (5 years and Above) and Yippee TV for our Creche/Toddler Church (up to 5 years)

Bring the Bible to life for your children with Superbook Academy. This exciting digital Sunday School curriculum features animated Superbook® Bible adventures and in-depth lesson plans that will challenge your children with engaging Christ-centred learning experiences.

Yippee has the largest collection of VeggieTales. It is designed to keep your little ones rooted in faith. Yippee is packed with immersive content for worship, dancing, animated devotionals to teach children about Jesus and the Bible at their level.

Our Commitment 

We use carefully developed lesson plans to reinforce Godly teaching and principles in a fun, loving and safe environment. We teach children about key bible characters and stories. They learn Christian songs. We help your children start memorising scriptures so they begin to keep the word of God in their hearts. We’re dedicated to nurturing their Christian character with you.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”

– Proverbs 22:6